OPBeacon Got Refreshed

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Hello OPBeacon Community.
Our server got refreshed and data is completly lost.
Fortunately we are starting all over again and updates will be a lot more!
We might have lost all of our progress but atleast we have the oppurtunity to make the server better than it was.
For more information visit our Discord Community Server

Discord | Help

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Welcome everyone to the OPBeacon forums!
This announcement is about our discord.
You can join it by clicking HERE
On there you can talk with other OPBeacon members, see our giveaways and our announcements, listen to music and make suggestions by typing '/suggest'!
We will be adding more sections, such as BedWars, SkyWars and more.
Although if you break the rules you will be muted or even banned!
We will upload the rules here.